Student Arrival Time – Supervision begins at 7:30am. Therefore, no student should be dropped off prior to 7:30am, unless there is a supervisor present or previous arrangements with a teacher have been made.
After School Care Access Door – after 3:15 Monday thru Friday: After School Care will use the Main Entrance.
Before School Care Access Door – after 6:30am Monday thru Friday: Before School Care will use the Main Entrance. Please ring the doorbell located to the right of the doors and then you will be let in.
PARENTS DROPPING OFF: Enter from 7th Avenue and proceed down the hill towards the new driveway that accesses the gym doors. Stop at the gym entrance to drop your child off. (Please allow students to get out of car if you are between the Drop Off Signs.) Proceed forward and turn left to go back up the hill exiting onto 7th Avenue. (RIGHT TURN ONLY, FOR FLOW OF TRAFFIC).
PARENTS WALKING STUDENTS IN: K3 and K4 parents can enter the school parking lot from Hawthorn, using the West entrance closest to Little Saints and park in the lot facing the school. Then walk your children through the main entrance and into the school. Exit back onto Hawthorn using the East entrance closest to school.
SAFETY NOTE: If you drop your child off at the gym doors you are NOT allowed to exit onto Hawthorn and must use 7th. We would like to keep vehicle traffic away from our walkers.
NOTE: All Students will go directly to their homerooms. (Only Door 1 – Main Entrance will be open after 7:40. Please be sure to get your children to school on time.)
Bus Drop-Off Zone – The area on Hawthorn, east of the crosswalk and north of the school is the Bus Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zone.
Start Time
7:30-7:40am Student drop-off
7:45am Students to Classroom for Morning Announcements
(Students MUST be in Class at this time.)
7:50am Instruction Time Begins
BUS RIDERS DURING DISMISSAL – buses will be parked in Bus Zone on Hawthorn. Bussers are dismissed first, and after the busses depart walkers and car riders will be dismissed.
For Walkers: There will be a Crossing Guard at the intersections.
For Drivers In the afternoon: (Dismissal is 2:50 pm) Use one of two entrances, off of 7th Ave or the West (closest to Little Saints) entrance off of Hawthorn. Park facing toward the school building in the angled parking spaces. Do not park at the curb. This is to avoid having anyone back up while our students are walking in the paraking lot. Exit up the hill to 7th Ave only. (RIGHT TURN ONLY ONTO 7TH AVE, FOR TRAFFIC FLOW)
Park in one of three areas depending upon your scenario:
Parents with elementary students only: Park on the North end of the parking lot. Elementary students will exit the main doors.
Parents with middle school students only: Park on the South end of the parking lot. Middle School students (5th-8th) will exit through the gym doors.
Parents with both elementary and middle school students: Park in the middle of the parking lot. The younger children will exit through the main doors and the older children through the gym doors.
Please observe the procedures given:
Patrols will form those children who WALK into lines and accompany the children to the east and west intersections of Hawthorn Drive. Children who are walking are not to be on the blacktop during dismissal.
Thank you for your cooperation in this very important area of safety for your children!