Over the last year, our school was raising money to resurface our gym floor. We are blessed to announce that we have officially hit our fundraising goal!
Twenty-five years ago, we built a gym. The gym is used by our Middle School sports teams, our gym classes for all grades from K3-8, for parish recreational sports leagues, summer camps, school dances, assemblies and concerts. Typically, sanding and resurfacing the floor should take place every 10-15 years. We have done a good job of keeping up the floor, but after 25 years of wear and tear, the time has come to resurface it.
We began fundraising in spring, at the annual auction. We got a great start through the donations of families and friends contributing through the Fund-a-Need part of the live auction. Since then, we've received several generous donations to help us complete our fundraising, including a $5,000 donation from Michels Family Foundation and a $15,000 donation from Delta Defense. Donations from the Knights of Columbus and the Davis family took us to the finish line!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped through your gifts and your prayers. We are looking forward to getting this project done this summer. Be prepared for us to enforce strict rules about street shoes on the floor during gym class, as we are going to try to keep it in good shape for a long time!
We're excited about the Fund-a-Need for this year's auction. We'll be announcing it soon, so stay tuned.
Delta Defense
Michels Family Foundation
The Davis Family
Knights of Columbus
Cabrini Families and Friends